Suggestive References Of Tips And Advice To Give New Parents

This article is to give advice and tips to new parents who are seeking on their firstborn. You can read through and get a better understanding to be a better parent.


Bringing a child into the world is a beautiful feeling. Every parent be it the single mom who went through this process alone or both sets of parents. They have all felt this beautiful emotion one way or the other. Moreover, to experience it for the first time is an even more special one.

All parents who have gone through this journey can relate to the eventful changes that come your way. When you become a parent yourself, even the family relationships go through some changes with the newborn’s arrival.

As you enter this new phase of your life, you are most likely to experience all kinds of rollercoaster emotions which you never knew even existed. And because babies cry as a form of communicating and expression, you may need to stay alert at all times and even go through sleepless nights for few days or even months.

Nevertheless, you are going to experience the beauty of this journey and look back fondly on these moments someday. When you are new to parenthood, like any other parents, you are going to make your fair share of mistakes. This may sometimes make you doubt your parenting skills. However, it is important that you give yourself the benefit of doubt and forgive yourself for the mistakes and learn from them as well.

Every Child is Different

It is important that, you learn to sweat the small stuffs and enjoy every minute with your newborns. And as all humans, everyone’s idea and concept of the right parenting skills and tips may differ. But it is entirely up to you to find your own right ways of taking care of your child. Don’t let someone’s way of parenting cloud your judgement. Remember that the whole point of this article is just for references purpose. As new parents, you can take any of these tips and advice that we will give below. You can also make your own tips because there is no one set formula that works for all babies and therefore their needs and way of dealings may also differ.

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How to handle a newborn baby?

When growing up, if you had not spent much time around babies, their fragility may intimidate you in the initial beginning. #advicetogivenewparents

However, with daily practise and your day-to-day activities with your newborn baby, you will gain more experience and grow out of this fear and begin to feel more at ease in taking care of your newborn yourself.

Few Basics To Remember

Few Basics To Remember

Here are a few basics of advice we would give to new parents when handling their newborn baby.

  • Always wash and sanitise your hands thoroughly before handling your baby because as newborns immune system is not fully developed. They are extremely fragile and are at high risk to contract any kinds of infections and illnesses. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your hands are always clean before taking care of your newborn’s needs.
  • Support your baby’s head and neck carefully, when you are breast feeding, carrying or laying them down on the bed.
  • Before changing your baby’s diapers, make sure that you have all the supplies such as a clean diaper, diaper ointments, a warm clean washcloth or baby wipes and so on, within your reach so you won’t need to lose your concentration on your baby.
  • Avoid shaking your newborn whether in playful mood or in frustration. It can cause bleeding in the brain which may even result to death in worst case scenario. Instead, tickle their feet or gently blow on their cheek if you need to wake them up.
  • Always see to it that they are securely fastened into their baby carrier, stroller or the car seat. This is because even the slightest mistake may cause major accident resulting in injury or even death of your newborn as they are extremely fragile and weak at this stage.
  • Last but not the very least, avoid engaging in any rough plays with your newborn such as being jiggled on the knee or thrown high up in the air.

Get help for yourself and the baby after your delivery

Get help for yourself and the baby after your delivery

There is no shame in asking for help or assistance for yourself and the baby after giving birth. Because trust me, things are going to get so hectic and overwhelming during this time. While in the hospital, consult to the experts around you as many hospitals have specialists. They can help you get started on nursing your baby.

The nurses in the hospital are also trained professionals to guide and show you anytime you need help with. Whether it be on how to hold, feed, burp, change and care for your baby especially if this is your first time being a parent.

As for in-house help, you can either seek help from your family who already has experience with babies. Or you can hire a baby nurse, postpartum doula or a nanny to help you around until you’re confident on your own.

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Importance of bonding with your newborn Baby

Importance of bonding with your newborn Baby - advice to give new parents

As they say, physical closeness can promote an emotional connection. For most parents, the most memorable and emotional bonding moments between them and their newborns happens during the sensitive time in the first hours and days after their delivery. This period of time also helps the parents to make a deep connection with their infant.

For first time parents, you can begin bonding with your babies by cradling and gently stroking them in different patterns. Babies usually love vocal sounds such as cooing, singing, talking or babbling. Therefore, you might want to start talking, singing or making just about any silly sounds to entertain them.

Although, this may not be the case for all, as some babies can be unusually sensitive to loud noises, brightness or even the faintest touch. If that is the case with your baby then, lower the noises and the level of lights moderately at their comfort. 

Follow your gut and trust yourself

Follow your gut and trust yourself

This is probably one of the most important pieces of advice to give to all new parents embracing parenthood for the first time. As new parents, you are most likely to get many parenting tips and pieces of advice to give from people around you, family, friends, neighbours and colleagues alike. And all these information on parenthood may contradict with each other, however; it is times like this where you have to follow your guts and trust yourself in setting your own ways on how to take care of your newborn baby and children in general.

Avoid comparing your baby with other babies and trust your instincts. As parenthood does not come with a manual, it is entirely up to the parents to trust themselves and make decisions keeping in mind the best interests and welfare of their child.

Learn to be kind to yourself

Learn to be kind to yourself - advice to give new parents

As you enter this phase, embrace all the mess and chaos that comes with it and enjoy every moment, because someday you are going to look back and remember and miss the fun memories made after your babies are grown up. But while doing so, be kind and gentle to yourself. Taking care of yourself is as important as taking care of your newborn baby.

Get enough rest and try to get your sleep when the baby sleeps because most babies are capable of sleeping through the night if they are not disturbed. Remember that, moms and dads are humans too and they also get exhausted when they are deprived of their sleep.

So, the conclusion is, the advice to give any parent would be to prioritise yourself and take care of physical and mental health. You will need your strength and energy both physically and mentally. Then, you can take care of your newborn babies and raise them up to be good humans in society.

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