How To Manage Mood Swings? – 5 Ways & 5 Causes

Looking for ways to manage mood swings? Here’s all you need to know.


As humans, it is completely normal for us to experience all sorts of emotions in a day. Our moods may change depending on the emotions we are feeling at that particular moment. You can be happy, sad or angry all at once. There can be many instances that trigger your mood swings. You can be very happy one minute and become really sad the next minute.

When we talk about mood swings, some of these conditions may be caused due to medical reasons. And as such, it is important that if your mood changes more often and frequently than it normally does, you should consult a physician to determine and manage the cause of your constant mood swings.

5 Possible causes of mood swings

Possible causes of mood swings

Mental Health Conditions

Studies have shown that in most cases mood swings, it is caused due to mental health problems. When you have poor mental health, it may affect all aspects of your life that include constant mood swings, depression, and so on. Mental health conditions like, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia, etc cause severe shifts in mood. If a person have bipolar disorder, their emotions change constantly from being extremely happy to extremely sad. Similarly, people suffering from borderline personality disorder BPD, also experience mood swings and personality changes in just few minutes time. 

Hormonal Conditions

The changes and shifts in your hormones also play a major role in your mood swings. This is most commonly found especially on women and teenagers. For women in particular, you will experience extreme mood swings when you are in your premenstrual stage, pregnant, and menopause period. This is because when changes in hormones changes the development of your body as well and as such you will experience severe mood swings during that period of time in your life.

Substance Abuse

Everyone knows the impact substance abuse and addiction have on our health. Alcohol, drugs, and other intoxicated items, affects both our physical and mental health severely. Not just you but the people around you are also affected. When people drink alcohol or use drugs, they go through various mood swings. Excessive usage of drugs and alcohol may even lead to death if not permanent damage to your health! Learn How To Quit Smoking And Drinking Alcohol!


Depression is a major mental health condition that causes intense mood swings in a person. In today’s world, there are millions of people living in depression. There are many reasons why this condition is triggered. The most common cause of depression is when post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD of a person is triggered. Even the happiest-looking person may be suffering from major depression. This condition not only causes mood swings but also causes unhealthy weight loss in people, lack of sleep, anxiety and major depressive disorder, and so on. There are many cases where depressed victims have even lost their lives to suicide as they were unable to come out from the dark side.

Other health conditions

Other health conditions such as heart disease, thyroid, lungs, breast cancer, and other health conditions that directly affect the central nervous system of your body cause changes in your moods.

5 Ways to manage your mood swings

There are many instances that cause mood instability. While this can be quite challenging, there are a few activities you can try to manage your mood swings. It can be as simple as making some lifestyle changes or seeking therapy from health experts.

Engage in more physical activities

Engage in more physical activities

Experts say that people who keep themselves physically active were found to have improved and healthier mental health. Some physical activities can be exercising regularly, going for a walk, meditation, and so on.

In fact, you can do just about anything than to just remain still in one place. Engaging in physical activities not only helps to keep your mind occupied but also aids in the overall health of your body. You will feel more fit and healthy.  

Take care of your diet

When people are stressed out or have mood swings, they tend to avoid taking care of themselves and that includes their diet. When you constantly feed junk foods, it will affect your health, and this triggers mood swings.

To live a healthier lifestyle is to start making and taking care of your daily diet. Look for food staples like beans, lentils, peanuts, legumes, etc that will raise your serotonin levels to manage and balance your mood swings. 

Go for Therapy

Go for Therapy

If you get mood swings constantly and more often than you usually do, it is advisable that you seek professional help and go for therapy. Consulting a therapist will help you to understand your mood swings better and potentially find means and ways to manage and reduce the mood swings. Going for therapy also helps you to unload the problems and troubles that are bothering you.

Psychiatrists will use psychotherapy tools like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT, Dialectical Behavior Therapy DBT, and Psychodynamic Therapy to determine the diagnosis of your mood swings and any other psychiatric disorders.

Check Out Calmerry Online Therapy!

Get proper sleep every day

Get proper sleep every day

As humans, we have our own limits for certain things. Only a handful of people can function well in life without getting proper sleep. When you are sleep deprived you get cranky and have mood swings even for absolutely silly reasons.

Everything and anything around you will just piss you off. This is why you need to get a sufficient amount of sleep for seven to eight hours at the least. A good night’s sleep helps you to perform better in your day-to-day tasks and work as well. You are refreshed and energized to start your day on a positive note.

Medications for mood disorders

If you have mental health problems and consult a doctor about it, you are most probably going to get a prescription of medicines to help you cope with the mental disorder. Medications may include antidepressants pills, serotonin reuptake inhibitors, serotonin, and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, and etch. There are precipitations to manage and stabilize your condition and regulate your mood swings as well.

However, note that you should only try these medications only after every other natural method of managing your mood swings fails. This is because, like any other medicines, once you start depending excessively on the medications to help you cope with your mental health disorders, you will get addicted to them and may have to rely on the medications for a long term!

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