Best parenting style

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Best Parenting Style” is a website that is created especially for parenting, educational purposes and provides essential resources for families to create happier homes and living. We run with the motto, ” Design the life that you love!”. With the right information, tips, and guides, you will be able to transform and design your home into a loving and caring place for you and your family to live in. The impact of parenting education has played a major role in the society we live in. An unhealthy parent-child relationship can affect society negatively.

Taking care of your child’s development mentally, physically, social skills, and spiritually is indeed very important for every parent. The time and energy you invest today on your children’s development will one day bear fruits you will enjoy in the future. Every parent wants that, however, with unhealthy and improper parenting things can get out of hand.

Some parents tend to be ignorant of how they are raising children and can lead to ill effects on kids and risk behaviors. While, some parents can feel too anxious, tired, and overwhelmed to raise up their child. In particular, new moms seem to face postpartum depression which can cause severe mood swings and exhaustion. We all have our limitations and criticism can also make us cautious of how we handle our child. However, with proper information and resources, you can nurture and help your child’s growth and development.

The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.

Denis Waitley


Parenting can be challenging and difficult sometime but it is what a loving is willing to do for their children. Depending on a person’s nature, society or family culture; parenting style may vary among each individual family. It is important to remember that you are raising a person who will become part of the society weather good or bad.

Every parent wants what’s best for their children and they do it with the acquired knowledge throughout life. However, if one may ask what is the best parenting style? Researchers have found that there are four major types of parenting style after many years of studies and researches. However, individuals don’t necessarily follow only one type of parenting style but in fact, a blend of different parenting practices. The four major parenting styles are known to be

  • Authoritarian parenting styles
  • Permissive parenting
  • Uninvolved parenting
  • Authoritative parenting

            If your parenting strategy style is not working perhaps you can try a different approach for better parenting. Flexibility is the key to good parenting and of course mistakes will be made but it is a learning experience to becoming a good parent. This dictates the outcome of a child into becoming a responsible good adult in society. Learn about the different partners vendors parenting styles and their effects on childrens learning and development.

Authoritarian Parenting Style

Authoritarian parenting style

In this type of parenting, whenever your child ask for something like a candy or a toy, do you immediately say ‘no’ without much hesitation? Authoritarian parents have their own way in deciding and commanding what’s best for their child without the approval of the child. And the parent goes on to put out the most common argument “because I’ve said so” whenever a child questions or disagree. Authoritarian parents expect a lot from their children and in their performance. This type of parenting may give progressive results but may lead to timid children who can’t speak up for themselves.

Children may often rely upon their parents to make decision for them. This may lead to a dependant adult in the later part of life. Parents who work overtime with tight schedules may often like to loosen up and relax at home. And whenever the child demands comes up, these type of parents immediately say “no” hastily without reasoning with the child, so the parent can spent some quality time relaxing. Without resolving the child’s issue or understanding the child, the parents assures themselves that the child will understand them when they grow older. However it is always important to spare sometime and sit down for a talk with your child.

If you want your children to improve let them overhear the nice things you say about them to others.

Haim Ginott

Uninvolved Parenting Style

Uninvolved parenting style

After a long hard day you come home tired, and then your child comes up asking for your help to do her homework. You may tell her to do it by herself or figure it out with a friend. This kind of parents often has the philosophy that life is hard and the child needs to learn how to figure it out alone.

These kinds of parents known as neglectful parents are often occupied with their personal work and allow the child to fend for herself. This may affect the child and the child grows into a more independent adult but they often have low self-esteem. They have more of the screen time and are less responsive to their children feelings or behaviors.

The child suffers from insecurity and anxiety due to a lack of support and a guiding hand. Uninvolved or hands-off parents may often miss out many important aspects and event of a child’s life, like school competition, play, graduation or a presentation. This often leads the child to detachment from home and families.

Encourage and support your kids because children are apt to live up to what you believe of them.

Lady Bird Johnson

Permissive Parenting Style

Permissive Parenting Style

Permissive parents are more in touch with their emotion so it pains them to see their child unhappy or sad. The permissive style is indulgent parents having the habit of giving their child not only what they need but also what they want. Being a permissive parent, it is difficult to say “no” and it is even more difficult to see your child upset with you. Being a permissive parent has a negative impact on the child as the child feels entitled to what they want instead of learning the art of discipline, self-restrain and temperament.

Permissive parent prefers to be more of a friend than having authoritative styles. They try to listen to their children and encourage them but often avoid discouraging bad ideas and poor choices to maintain a good relationship. Permissive parents don’t practice strict rules or boundaries which may be permissible to a certain degree but often lack of rules and boundaries makes the child less responsive to authority and discipline. The child outcomes due to permissive parenting shows struggle in academy, risk of health issues such as obesity, heart diseases and dental cavities due to excessive candies. This affects the child not only physically but also their mental health such as sadness, depression and low self-esteem.

If you have never been hated by your child you have never been a parent.

Bette Davis

Authoritative Parenting Style

Authoritative parenting

The parent set rules and boundaries and make sure that the child understands these values and boundaries. Authoritative parents spend more time with their children creating positive ideas and a sense of understanding. These parents set limits and rules but also hears the opinion of the child. This kind of parenting enables the child to make better decision in improving themselves and discourage bad decisions. Authoritative parents have high demands and expectation, this method has resulted in academically successful children. #BestParentingStyle

The child behavior shows a positive development among authoritative parents. Researchers have found that authoritative parents produce responsible adults who are better in expressing their thoughts and ideas. These children are marginally successful in later part of life.

Children of authoritative parents are more disciplined and often respect good authority. They are groomed to think for themselves and make better decisions. Of all the parenting styles, experts agree that the authoritative parenting style is the best parenting style.

However, since single types of parenting are not strictly followed dues to the uniqueness of the individuals, there are also other types of parenting that amalgamate with the given parenting style.

At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.

Jane D. Hull

Helicopter parenting

Helicopter parents

A parent may want their children to be safe at all times. Thus, some parents will take further steps by constantly monitoring their child’s behavior and activities. This could have an adverse affect on the child as the child personal space and surrounding becomes cramp and confined. They influence their child into thinking that the world is evil and that there is no goodness in it. This may lead to anxiety and depression on the child’s mental health. The child may grow up to be an immature, dependent adult with low self-esteem.

            Thus it is important to give some personal space to the child and also teach the child about the goodness of life in this world. It is a well known fact that life is beyond our parental control and we can only do so much to monitor and keep our children safe. But giving some space to the child and allowing the child to grow by themselves is important. Obstacle and optimism are what a child needs to face the challenges life brings.

Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.

Maria Montessori

Attachment Parenting

Attachment parents

Attachment parenting style is a modern philosophical method of parenting based on attachment theory. This research studies has proven that, this parenting style can boost a child’s confident in later stage of life. This parenting style emphasizes on the physical and emotional attachment with a baby. It involves nurturing and understanding what the child’s need is, so the modern parents can meet out the child’s need.

            This parenting style is mainly practice on children of age 1 or below. This include skin to skin contact, breast feeding and understanding a child’s cry and sound which helps in better understanding of the child’s need. The child naturally builds an instinctively feeling that the parent is around to care for her.  

Always kiss your children goodnight, even if they’re already asleep.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr

Child Temperament

Child temperament

Children have different behaviors and this can affect the outcome of the parenting style of the individuals. Some children are more sensitive and this can be perceived as difficult thus changing the parenting style towards a more authoritarian style. Children don’t come in a well-groomed, mannered trait. They come in all shapes and size. This can affect the parenting style of parents into different blend and mixer. And if your parenting style doesn’t seem to be working, you can try all the best parenting style tips.

             However, authoritative parenting style has proven to be the best parenting style.  Many psychologist and experts agree that authoritative parenting style is the best parenting style because there are overwhelming consistencies of good result. Also, there has been no compelling evidence that authoritative parenting style has negative impact on children.

Nature vs Nurture

Nature vs Nurture

 Among psychologist, nature vs nurture is perhaps the oldest debate with the argument, which matter more? Nature is the genetic information that is embedded in every living being. This genetic information contains certain information and traits that is being passed down through out generations from parent to offspring. While nurture has to do with the environment in which the parent plays a significant role which affect kids.

             Thus, the parent plays a vital role in influencing the child’s behavior and character as he grows into adulthood. Nurturing parents are responsive parents to their children; this also requires tough measurements like disciplining and punishment. This gives a positive growth as the child shows developmental psychology growth with obedience. Children with positive parenting are emotionally balanced and show competence in handling problems. However, being tough also goes hand in hand with affection and love.

Learn how to teach your child become a good reader!


  1. What are the four types of parenting?

    The four types of parenting according to are Authoritarian, Permissive, Uninvolved and Authoritative.

  2. What is the best parenting style psychology?

    After an extensive amount of researches and studies, psychologist and experts agree that Authoritative parenting style is the best parenting style.

  3. Why is authoritative the best parenting style?

    Experts consider authoritative as the best parenting style as there are overwhelming studies that shows the consistency of progress in a child’s development and success. Children are proven to be successful academically and in their work space in this kind of parenting style. Also, no compelling studies have shown that authoritative parenting style is harmful for a child.

What are the four major parenting styles and the major characteristics of each?

parenting styles

According to Diana Baumrind’s parenting styles, the four major style of parenting are Authoritarian, Permissive, Uninvolved and Authoritative.

  • Authoritarian – in this type of parenting, the words of the parent is final. The child doesn’t have any saying in the argument. When the child argues back, the argument ends with “because I’ve said so” by the parent. Parents are often imperative and commanding without any room for argument or discussion. The parent usually decides for the child.
  • Permissive – This kind of parent prefers a friendly approach towards their children and is bad at say “no” on a child’s demand. They are less authoritative and prefers to be a child pleaser rather than discouraging bad demands
  • Uninvolved – they are more reluctant to check their child’s activity and childrens behavior. They are generally engaged in their own personal activities and gives autonomy to the child
  • Authoritative – this kind of parenting may be commanding and imperative but they spent their time and energy on the child. They will help the child but also allows the child to take responsibility and think for themselves.

While the Maccoby and Martin theory has only three types of parenting styles, excluding uninvolved parenting.

There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.

Sue Atkins


Although parenting a child doesn’t come with a manual book, you can follow the above parenting advice and plays as a mediating roles in nurturing your child. As children grow older, behavior in adolescent may show some different changes with a rebellious sign of autonomy. It is good to give them space, at the same time make sure that there are no signs of risk behaviours. Age of adolescent maybe a bumpy road for parenting but children of authoritative parents show positive results as the child is better at self-control and is emotionally balanced.

            You can try different parenting strategy as each child has its own unique personality. This requires time and energy to understand the problem and resolve the issue. It is important to discuss with your children and make them take responsibility for their action. And in the process encourage them to come up with ideas to tackle the problem. Parenting is a learning process for both the child and the parent. It is a wonderful cycle of life through which human excel and give something back to the society: a better version of us.

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