How To Quit Smoking And Drinking Alcohol?

How To Quit Smoking And Drinking Alcohol


Are you battling addiction? You have tried it many times but you keep on failing! Well, it takes many failed attempts to get complete freedom from addiction. Remember, ‘Rome was not built in a day.’ Read this article to help yourself to quit smoking and drinking alcohol.

Alcohol and nicotine have caused the deaths of young and old for years and years. It has brought divisions among families and relationships not only but it has great negative effect on human health as well, such as, cancers, heart diseases, asthma, mental disorders, and many more. Researchers have found that Alcohol and Nicotine have a close relationship with each other. Drinking alcohol triggers the urge to smoke ice versa, smoking can lead to a stronger craving for alcohol.

Planning to quit smoking and drinking? That’s great! You can do it! Here is what you need to know, what you need to do, and how to go about if you are really thinking to quit smoking and drinking alcohol once and for all.

Decision and will

Decision and will

You are the master of your own, whether to quit or to continue depend upon yourself. Therefore, the first step is to take decision to quit smoking and drinking completely. Share this decision of yours with your close and loved ones. Why? because a support system is very necessary if you want to free yourself from addiction. They are the strong pillar to let you stand firm in your decision, so you need them.

Build a strong will within yourself that will never say no to quitting. Remember ‘where there is a will there is a way’. Your will of yours will take you far in this battle.

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Staying committed to your decision to quit drinking and smoking is one the most important steps in this battle.

  • Jot down your reason to quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Reminding yourself with the reason for quitting will keep you in track with your quitting plan, and lessen the chance of relapse.
  • Think of your loved ones who is with you in this journey of freeing addiction. Reminding yourself of the loves and support from your loved ones will help you stay committed to your quitting plan.
  • Learn the negative impact of smoking and drinking alcohol on your health and loved ones. Having knowledge of the damage done to your health and loved ones from alcohol and nicotine will remind you to stay committed.

Change your social circle

Change your social circle
  • Craving can be intense during nicotine withdrawal and to be around smokers can trigger the urge to smoke. Therefore, be wise in choosing the friends or family you want to be with.
  • Spend time with like-minded people who don’t smoke to avoid from being tempted to smoke.
  • Set healthy boundaries and spend less time with friends or family who smoke or drink alcohol. Divert your attention by going out for fresh air or talk to someone who isn’t smoking or drinking during social gatherings or events.
  • Try seeking local support groups such as smoke-free Alcoholics Anonymous and Nicotine Anonymous. Talking with people who are on the same boat as you prove more helpful in your quitting plan as you learn from their experiences, and sometimes informative for you to adapt new strategies or tricks that help you in quitting.

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Change your activities

Change your activities

It’s wise for you to change/ replace your old activities with new ones. it is probably one of the best methods to divert your mind from addiction, also helpful from the danger of withdrawal and relapse form nicotine and alcohol. Try new hobbies or activities in your daily plan, it’s a great chance for you discover new things about yourself and a chance to start all over again (a new beginning).

  • from partying/ clubbing to hiking, going to a movie theatre/ Cinema hall/restaurant (smoke-free zones).
  • exercise and fitness prove to be great activity to reduce withdrawal symptoms, and also gives you something to do when you get cravings.
  • From drinking alcohol and nicotine to chewing nicotine gum or gum, fizzy drinks with lots of carbonations sometimes opt for ice creams. Staying healthy is very important therefore treat yourself to healthy foods, and give yourself a little leeway so that you don’t feels denied all the indulgence that you used to enjoy.
  • Often time people smoke or drink alcohol when they are stressed or in tensions, therefore when you feel stress or tense go out for a walk, watch movies, meditations or any activities that is relaxing for your mind.
  • For most people smoking while using toilet becomes a habit. If you are that person replace your cigarette smoking by brushing your teeth. If you are craving cigarette replace it with nicotine gum.
  • When you learn to have fun without smoking and alcohol, you will denounce the need for cigarette and alcohol.

Cut down the intake of alcohol or Avoid drinking alcohol

Cut down the intake of alcohol or Avoid drinking alcohol
  • Drinking alcohol is often a social activity, but never let the fear of being left-out or the odd one in the social group overpower your quit plan. you can always try drinking mocktails or alcohol-free drinks so that you can still feel included.
  • Alcohol is a bridge to smoking or in other words there is a close relationship between alcohol and nicotine. And because of this very reason Drinking alcohol can trigger your urge to smoke.
  • Drinking alcohol while struggling to quit smoking is dangerous because alcohol numbs people’s choice to do the right thing and thus, a threat to your quit plan.

Incorporate treatments

Incorporate treatments

For some people quitting cold turkey is the best method for quitting completely alcohol and nicotine. But it is never a one-size fit for everyone. If you still find it hard to quit after following the methods/ steps drafted above, seek medical attention or medical professionals or therapist. Engaging in treatments has help people struggling from intense addiction. So far there is no treatment available to treat smoking and alcoholism together. But there are separate treatments available for nicotine addiction and alcohol addiction.

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Nicotine treatment therapies

Nicotine treatment therapies

One of the best treatments for nicotine addiction is the Nicotine dependence treatments, under which a person undergoes a therapy known as Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). In this therapy, a smoker is given nicotine in a fewer amount in the form of prescribed medications, such as oral inhaler, patch, gum, lozenges or nasal sprays.

Alcoholism treatment therapies

Alcoholism treatment therapies

There are different types of treatment available for alcohol addiction, which include behavioral treatments, medication, counseling. For alcohol dependence treatment the patient is prescribed with oral medications, injected medications which do not usually cure alcohol use disorder but reduce the urge to drink, also act as an agent for coping with cravings as well.

Why medical professionals/therapists?

Why medical professionals therapist
  • Because they are a consistent source of accountability and support you can rely on.
  • Addiction can affect your mental health leading to mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, or other issues related to mental health. Therefore, they can provide necessary assistance and prescribed medication for those disorders.
  • Alcohol and nicotine are harmful for your body and so a medical evaluation is needed as to know how far alcohol and nicotine have affected your body with the help of health professionals you can get proper treatment needed by your body.
  • They can also give prescribed medication to treat alcohol dependence and lower nicotine dependence if needed.

Nothing can stop you from your decision to quit drinking alcohol and smoking if you decided. Continues relapse or giving yourself to withdrawal symptoms doesn’t matter as long as you don’t give up. Don’t let your failed attempts weight you down from freeing yourself from alcohol and nicotine addictions. Remember it takes a number of failed attempts to claim victory. Know your triggers, plan ahead and cope up with your carvings. Wish you all the very best. Be strong! Keep fighting!